Welcome to the Chamber!

We invite you to explore what the Juniata River Valley Chamber of Commerce has to offer. Our Chamber of Commerce has a history that stretches back over 100 years, but we continue to find new ways to improve the economy and quality of life for our residents in Mifflin and Juniata Counties. We do this by offering opportunities to connect with other businesses, leadership development, advocacy and support, as well as educational opportunities. In coordination with our local school districts, we are working to better prepare our future workforce, ensuring a better tomorrow. We invite you to explore our site, learn about the benefits of membership, browse our membership list, learn more about our upcoming events and meet our staff and board of directors. Most importantly, we want you to “Get Connected”.

Once a Mingo, Always a Mingo

December 8, 2023
Once a Mingo, always a Mingo I was an anomaly of sorts as one of the few people my age who had never gone to a high school reunion. There is no particular reason for my absence, I just never quite made it there. Recently, however, that changed. I discovered that the planning committee for the Chief Logan graduating class of 1978 (so very, very long ago) could use some assistance in planning this year’s event and I was anxious to serve. We began our planning a year in advance. As we worked to set the date and book the venue and caterer, we meticulously checked the Penn State schedule to be sure we avoided any home games. Much to our chagrin, our best laid plans were foiled as Penn State adjusted their schedule in the meantime and our event fell smack dab on the first white out, home game of the season! This did not dampen our resolve, however, to make this a memorable event. One of the highlights for me was reconnecting with one of my very best high school friends who I hadn’t seen since graduation. We met for lunch and time passed quickly as we caught up with each other’s lives. Our journeys had taken us to different ends of the country, and as we talked, we quickly discovered that we had both experienced many bumps, twists, and a plethora of turns in our lives. It was amazing to experience just how quickly our comfortable friendship returned. We exchanged pictures of our children and grandchildren and shared both our triumphs and disappointments. Learn More

I Got All My Sisters with Me

September 19, 2023
I Got All My Sisters with Me These lyrics have been rolling through my mind over the last 24 hours, “We are family I got all my sisters with me.” They are part of a song performed by Sister Sledge back in the 1970’s entitled “We Are Family. Since its release, it has become an anthem of sorts, an expression of solidarity, and that is exactly what I experienced, as did many others recently, at the Chamber’s Women’s Bloom Conference. A room filled with beautiful, like-minded women joining together with a singleness of purpose, to encourage and be encouraged. This was the fourth year for our Women’s Conference, and we had over 120 ladies in attendance. This event was designed and organized by women for women with the purpose of empowering, supporting, and pampering them. Women today serve in multiple roles and shoulder a wide variety of responsibilities. As you can imagine, that often results in weariness and discouragement. Our goal was to have one day for them to set aside their crushing loads and just “be.” To remind them to breathe a little deeper, lower their unrealistic expectations, and to realize they are not alone. Learn More

Hi Ho Hi Ho It's Off to School They Go

September 15, 2023
Hi Ho Hi Ho It’s Off to School They Go I recently spent a morning on the phone with my oldest granddaughter Saylor sending her off to her first day of first grade. Where does the time go? Wasn’t it just a short time ago that I was rocking her in my arms? Wasn’t it just yesterday when she took her first steps? I must admit my eyes filled with tears when I looked at the first day of school picture her mom sent, and a flood of memories came rushing in. The first time she said, “Nana, I love you.” The day she described in detail her one-day, prince charming. All the countless hours we spent together listening to princess music and watching Frozen while in quarantine during the pandemic. The many wardrobe changes between the various princess dresses, crowns, and jewelry. Not to be forgotten was the magnificent Cinderella’s carriage that we made from a cardboard box. She would get all dressed up and I would push her all over the house, finally arriving at “the ball” when Nana was too tired to push anymore. If I had a dollar for every time I sang “I hear the train a comin” from Johny Cash’s, “Folsom Prison Blues” (they live beside railroad tracks) I would be a very rich woman. I still smile when I go to her room and see the clay mobile we made together when she was two that still hangs in its place as a constant reminder of our times together. Learn More