Welcome to the Chamber!

We invite you to explore what the Juniata River Valley Chamber of Commerce has to offer. Our Chamber of Commerce has a history that stretches back over 100 years, but we continue to find new ways to improve the economy and quality of life for our residents in Mifflin and Juniata Counties. We do this by offering opportunities to connect with other businesses, leadership development, advocacy and support, as well as educational opportunities. In coordination with our local school districts, we are working to better prepare our future workforce, ensuring a better tomorrow. We invite you to explore our site, learn about the benefits of membership, browse our membership list, learn more about our upcoming events and meet our staff and board of directors. Most importantly, we want you to “Get Connected”.

A Tale of Resilience and Optimism in the Juniata River Valley

June 18, 2024
Beginning April 28th, we will be celebrating Small Business Week across the state of Pennsylvania. This was announced by The Pennsylvania Department of Community & Economic Development (DCED). I relish any opportunity to talk about our small business community, so I am excitedly jumping on board. Oh, how they deserve our praise and adoration! Being a small business owner takes courage, dedication, and lots and lots of hard work! Where would we be without them? These are the places we meet, converse, shop, bring our visitors to, dine, imbibe, celebrate special events, caffeinate, and get in touch with our artistic side. They are the backbone of our community, and they are springing up, just like spring flowers, everywhere! I have conducted so many ribbon cuttings over the past year that my oversized scissors could use a sharpening! I also joke that the Chamber should purchase stock in a red ribbon production factory since we use yards and yards of it! Trust me, I am not complaining, it never gets old. Each is an exciting celebration of our economic growth. This widespread, entrepreneurial wave we are riding was not always present here in our Juniata River Valley. We endured an economic drought for a handful of years before the tide turned. Learn More

There is Beauty in the World, So Much Beauty in the World!

April 3, 2024
The Easter season is the one time of year when our minds turn to thoughts of hope, renewal and new beginnings. It is time to say goodbye to the long, cold, and dark days of winter and hello to the sun’s warming rays. Flowers and trees burst into bloom, the grass dons it lovely green coat, and the air is sweetened by the scent of spring rains, drawing us outdoors. Everything looks fresh and new, and it feels as though anything is possible, and I suppose it is. That, at least, was my recent experience. I just returned from a few days spent in Philadelphia with my son and his family, adventuring with my grandson, Luca who is 19-months-old. As I walked the streets of South Philly, I had a startling revelation. Though often perceived as cold, unwelcoming, and perhaps even daunting, that was not my experience as I explored the city. At every intersection, traffic paused to allow our unconventional parade to pass-a blue car pushed by me with Luca aboard, accompanied by my husband and our Labradoodle and Standard Poodle. Learn More

When Your Last Name is Kelley

April 3, 2024
When your last name is Kelley, observing St. Patrick’s Day isn’t merely an option; it is a time-honored tradition. After all, isn’t there a wee bit of Irish in all of us on this fun-filled day? It seems everyone seeks ways to connect with and honor their ancestral heritage, and for those of us with Irish roots, this annual occasion provides that opportunity. For as far back as I can remember, my family has marked St. Patrick’s Day in a big way. It all began with my mother, who unfailingly prepared corned beef and cabbage, made a green punch concoction, and bedecked our home with a plethora of shamrocks, leprechauns, and green steamers. I have faithfully upheld this tradition with my own family, and now, it’s my eldest son who carries on the tradition. He, however, ops for Dublin Coddle as the main dish (a traditional Irish stew with potatoes, sausages, and Guinness beer), and my contribution to the meal invariably includes Irish soda bread with currants and an Irish dessert. Learn More