Welcome to the Chamber!

We invite you to explore what the Juniata River Valley Chamber of Commerce has to offer. Our Chamber of Commerce has a history that stretches back over 100 years, but we continue to find new ways to improve the economy and quality of life for our residents in Mifflin and Juniata Counties. We do this by offering opportunities to connect with other businesses, leadership development, advocacy and support, as well as educational opportunities. In coordination with our local school districts, we are working to better prepare our future workforce, ensuring a better tomorrow. We invite you to explore our site, learn about the benefits of membership, browse our membership list, learn more about our upcoming events and meet our staff and board of directors. Most importantly, we want you to “Get Connected”.

I've been everywhere, man!

February 15, 2024
Two very iconic country songs merged to become the theme of my Christmas holiday this year. The first from Willie Nelson, “On the Road Again”, and the second, to quote the infamous Johnny Cash, I've been everywhere, man, I've been everywhere, man, crossed the deserts bare, man, “I've breathed the mountain air, man, of travel I've had my share, man, I've been everywhere.” O.K., so perhaps I didn’t cross any deserts, but over this Christmas holiday season, I definitely put some miles on my car and no proverbial moss grew under these feet! My travels began when I left Lewistown for Mechanicsburg to spend Christmas Eve with two of my four children, Curtis and Matthew, and their families. It was a time of beautiful chaos as we attended two Christmas Eve services at their two separate churches then met back at Matthew’s house for lots of food, gifts, and holiday fun. Then it was back to Lewistown because who knows, perhaps Santa wouldn’t be able to find me if I wasn’t at home when he made his rounds. After a nice Christmas morning hike in the woods, it was back down to Mechanicsburg to watch the grandchildren play with all their newly obtained toys. We concluded our day by enjoying a family Christmas dinner together. It was then back in the car, and back to Lewistown. Learn More

Maybe Christmas perhaps means a little bit more!

February 15, 2024
There are many Christmas movies that we love and look forward to, but there is one that has become a modern-day classic, and that movie is Elf. It is a holiday tradition for many, and it is no wonder since it is the perfect combination of comedy, feel good, and romance all neatly tied up into a beautiful Christmas package. The movie contains so many iconic quotes, you would be hard pressed to go through the holidays without hearing some repeated. One in particular came to mind recently as I was spending time with my grandchildren. That quote is, “The best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear.” It is quoted a variety of times throughout the movie, but in the end, it is used to encourage the onlooking crowd to raise their combined voices in song loud enough to fix Santa’s damaged sleigh, ultimately saving Christmas. Learn More

Pay it Forward by Shopping Local

December 8, 2023
Pay it Forward by Shopping Local It is that time of year, the time when I pull out my soapbox, (to be honest it is never truly stowed away) and beg everyone to consider shopping locally. I know it is easy and convenient to sit in the comfort of your own home or office, (although I am sure none of you EVER shop during work hours, especially during those long, sometimes coma inducing, ZOOM meetings!) click a few keys, and magically your gifts show up at your door, but is that the best option? I argue, it is not. When your money goes to those online retailers, a whopping zero percent of that money stays in your community. So, what is the big deal you might ask, do my dollars really make that much of a difference? The answer is a resounding yes! Stay with me as I provide you with some startling statistics. For instance, did you know that for every $100 spent at a locally owned business, $73 remains in the local economy? Think of the negative collective impact that has on our community when we choose to pull those dollars from our local economy and instead, spend them online. A similar thing is taking place in the world of food service. The statistics for choosing to eat at a locally owned restaurant over a chain are also quite eye opening. For every dollar spent at a locally owned restaurant, 79 percent stays local compared to just 30 percent for chain restaurants. My point is this, our purchasing decisions do matter. Their effects are far reaching and produce a rippling effect. Learn More