Welcome to the Chamber!

We invite you to explore what the Juniata River Valley Chamber of Commerce has to offer. Our Chamber of Commerce has a history that stretches back over 100 years, but we continue to find new ways to improve the economy and quality of life for our residents in Mifflin and Juniata Counties. We do this by offering opportunities to connect with other businesses, leadership development, advocacy and support, as well as educational opportunities. In coordination with our local school districts, we are working to better prepare our future workforce, ensuring a better tomorrow. We invite you to explore our site, learn about the benefits of membership, browse our membership list, learn more about our upcoming events and meet our staff and board of directors. Most importantly, we want you to “Get Connected”.

Don't Sweat It!

August 22, 2022
We have entered the dog days of summer. Those days when your makeup melts off before you even make it out of the bathroom. When you step outside and understand how it must feel to endure the purification process inside a traditional Mexican sweat lodge. Learn More

Sometimes it is Hard to See What is Right in Front of You!

August 22, 2022
Have you ever had the chance to see your community through a visitor’s perspective? I recently had such an opportunity, and the experience was quite eye opening. I was assisting on tours showing perspective transplants what our area had to offer. At the end of each tour, I asked the group to tell me what they saw as the pros and cons of our area. I am pleased to report that there were zero cons! Now on to the pros. Learn More

Our East Coast Ocean Fascination

August 1, 2022
As you scroll through social media this time of year it seems as though every other picture contains something beach related and many conversations center around which beach you are headed to or just came from. It usually is not a question of if you are headed to the beach, but when. Many of our families have returned to the same beach location for many generations. Have you ever wondered why we are so drawn to water? It does not necessarily have to be the ocean, it can be a river, stream, or lake. There is just something about water that seems to calm the soul. Learn More