Pay it Forward by Shopping Local
December 8, 2023
Pay it Forward by Shopping Local
It is that time of year, the time when I pull out my soapbox, (to be honest it is never truly stowed away) and beg everyone to consider shopping locally. I know it is easy and convenient to sit in the comfort of your own home or office, (although I am sure none of you EVER shop during work hours, especially during those long, sometimes coma inducing, ZOOM meetings!) click a few keys, and magically your gifts show up at your door, but is that the best option? I argue, it is not. When your money goes to those online retailers, a whopping zero percent of that money stays in your community. So, what is the big deal you might ask, do my dollars really make that much of a difference? The answer is a resounding yes!
Stay with me as I provide you with some startling statistics. For instance, did you know that for every $100 spent at a locally owned business, $73 remains in the local economy? Think of the negative collective impact that has on our community when we choose to pull those dollars from our local economy and instead, spend them online. A similar thing is taking place in the world of food service. The statistics for choosing to eat at a locally owned restaurant over a chain are also quite eye opening. For every dollar spent at a locally owned restaurant, 79 percent stays local compared to just 30 percent for chain restaurants. My point is this, our purchasing decisions do matter. Their effects are far reaching and produce a rippling effect.