A Tale of Resilience and Optimism in the Juniata River Valley

Just six short years ago we witnessed the closure of The Bon Ton, followed by others, leaving large gaping holes in the fabric of downtown Lewistown.  We all felt a pang of discouragement and loss as we watched storefront after storefront close its doors.  These closings led to a pervasive attitude of despondency and despair within our residents.  We at the Chamber and Visitors Bureau heard the self-deprecating and disheartening comments and began to brainstorm what we could do to reverse the tide.

The answer came to us one day as we worked to acknowledge the businesses we had lost while making a conscious effort to accentuate the positive and wonderful things that remained.  We received a comment from a local resident who said, “You are just looking at your community through rose colored glasses!” Meaning that we were not seeing things as they really were, but as we wished them to be. I believe it was meant as a rebuke, but I suppose that is exactly what we were doing.  We were making a conscious choice to put on our proverbial rose-colored glasses and focus on our plethora of positives while blocking out the negatives.  Thus was the birth of our “Choose Optimism” campaign.  We purchased a quantity of 1970’s inspired, rose-colored glasses and begin photographing community members, elected officials, civic leaders, and others wearing them, signifying their belief in our community’s ability to rebound.

I admit it may have been a frivolous initiative, but we made our point. Sometimes you just have to envision it, until it materializes into reality. Today, you cannot turn a corner in Lewistown, or in the Juniata River Valley, for that matter, without bumping into a recently established or renovated business.  Each represents someone’s dream coming to fruition.  I recently had the opportunity to give a presentation on our small business renaissance and I had three pages of examples.  Three pages!  How many can you think of?

While meeting with representatives from Centre County recently, I overheard a portion of their conversation.  They were discussing how many individuals they knew who were migrating to Mifflin County!  Perhaps others really are beginning to realize what we already know.  That the Juniata River Valley is a vibrant, friendly, thriving place where there is no limit to what we can do together.

To all of you small business owners out there, please know that we love and support you just as you love and support us. Also, don’t be fooled into assuming that a small business, even if it’s part of a chain, isn’t locally owned.  We have multiple well-known chains in our community with local owners who love, support, and give back to their community. As Steve Jobs famously said, “When we support local businesses, we’re supporting our neighbors, our friends, and our families.

So, when is the best time to support our local businesses?  Today and every day! Happy Small Business Week, April 28-May 4, be sure to show your favorite businesses some LOVE!  #shoplocaljrv

Rhonda S. Kelley, Executive Director

Juniata River Valley Chamber of Commerce