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We invite you to explore what the Juniata River Valley Chamber of Commerce has to offer. Our Chamber of Commerce has a history that stretches back over 100 years, but we continue to find new ways to improve the economy and quality of life for our residents in Mifflin and Juniata Counties. We do this by offering opportunities to connect with other businesses, leadership development, advocacy and support, as well as educational opportunities. In coordination with our local school districts, we are working to better prepare our future workforce, ensuring a better tomorrow. We invite you to explore our site, learn about the benefits of membership, browse our membership list, learn more about our upcoming events and meet our staff and board of directors. Most importantly, we want you to “Get Connected”.

Upcoming Events

United We Stand, Divided We Fall

January 24, 2025
If your heart doesn’t ache for those suffering in Southern California right now, I fear you have no heart at all. Once again, after reading the insensitive comments from social media trolls about this natural disaster, I feel compelled to speak up. I’ve seen remarks ranging from, “They’re just wealthy celebrities who will rebuild bigger mansions,” to, “This is God’s judgment on that sinful state.” To this, I say: let the one who is without sin cast the first stone. This is not the time for judgment. It is a time for solidarity, compassion, and understanding. Having the means to rebuild does not lessen the pain of losing cherished personal belongings, some of which can never be replaced. Many of these same celebrities are donating tens of thousands of dollars to help others who have suffered devastating losses. Learn More

Embracing the Leap: A New Year's Adventure Awaits

January 24, 2025
Here we are again, standing on the cusp of another year, ready to take the plunge into the unknown. Will it be a terrifying, uncontrolled free-fall or a leisurely, floating descent? That remains to be seen. Even though we don’t possess a magical crystal ball to reveal the future, would you really want one? Isn’t it the unpredictability that makes life an adventure—a journey into the unknown? That’s not to say we shouldn’t plan or work to avoid harm and pitfalls. But isn’t there something exhilarating about that feeling of excitement and freedom right as we leap into a new year? Perhaps this is due in part to the fact that we are given a fresh start, a new beginning with endless possibilities. Our failures fading into the rearview. I can’t help but picture myself as a preteen, standing on the high dive at Kish Park back in the early 1970s, peering down at the water below. I was terrified-it was a long way down. Why had I agreed to this? The logical answer was peer pressure since all my friends were jumping, and thus I was determined to jump, too. My inner dialogue assured me I could conquer my fear and emerge from this death-defying leap unscathed. Learn More

Loneliness at Christmas: A Season for Compassion & Connection

January 24, 2025
Christmas, as I contemplated writing about this topic, I wondered: what is there to say that has not already been said? I, along with countless others, have written on this subject many times. I had to pause to reflect on what fresh words I could offer about this much-anticipated holiday season. The lens I have chosen to compose through is not necessarily a rose-colored one, but an honest and important one. While many of us look forward to this season filled with family, friends, and hustle and bustle, what about those who do not? What about those who are alone or lonely? Yes, there is indeed a difference. One can find themselves alone and relish the solitude, but not feel lonely, just as one can experience loneliness while surrounded by others. During a low time in my life, I experienced this as I found myself in a room filled with holiday revelers who had no idea how much I was hurting inside. I spent the evening smiling and chatting with those in the room, but no one cut through my facade to see just how isolated and alone I was feeling. This experience reminded me of the story of the birth of Christ. Can you imagine how alone this unwed mother must have felt when she discovered she was carrying the Christ child? Who would believe her? I am sure she even doubted that her betrothed, Joseph, would believe her. In fact, upon learning the news of her pregnancy, his first reaction was to divorce Mary. Thankfully, an angel came to Joseph and explained that this child was conceived by the Holy Spirit and that Mary had not been unfaithful to him. Learn More