Alphabetical Contact Listing

Juniata River Valley Chamber of Commerce

 Company Alphabetical Listing:  

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 Contact Alphabetical Listing:  

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Waddell, Matthew Juniata Valley Bank (717)436-8211(717)436-7551 
Wagner, Isaiah State Farm Insurance Agency - Isaiah Wagner (717)248-2010 
Wagner, Kim Zion Hair Salon (717)248-0855 
Wagner, Kimberly Zion Hair Salon (717)248-0855 
Walker, Donna Empire Kosher Poultry (717)436-7004(717)436-7070 
Walker, Susan Wayne Township Landfill (570)769-6977(570)769-7366 
Wallace, Fred Juniata Valley Bank (717)436-8211(717)436-7551 
Waller, Kimanzi SolidGold Concessions (717)964-0473 
Walters, Dane Juniata Business and Industry, Inc. (717)436-8201(717)641-7112 
Walters, Matt Naylor & Associates Financial Services, Inc. (717)248-1577(717)248-5740 
Warfel, Chris State Farm Insurance Agency - Chris Warfel Agent (717)248-4227(717)242-0921 
Watson, Jeanine Penn's Cave & Wildlife Park (717)571-5387(814)364-8778 
Watson, Steve Watson's Optical Inc. (717)242-2721(717)242-3510 
Waughen, Nicole Brookline (717)436-2178(717)436-6806 
Weaver, Adam Providence Mortgage Group LLC (717)363-3476 
Weaver, Brittney Wal-Mart #1607 (814)932-7758(717)248-4642 
Weaver, Emily Kish Church (717)348-4248 
Weidman, Douglas Rockhill Trolley Museum (717)821-3179 
Welsh, Frank Mifflin County Solid Waste Authority (717)242-3301(717)242-3394 
Wenrich, Tina Marcal Paper (717)247-2787(717)247-3442 
Wert, Tim & Lacie River's Edge RV Park (717)437-2852 
Weston, Leslie PRN Medical Staffing of Lewistown, Inc. (717)242-4403(717)242-4416 
Whalen, Kathy Juniata Valley Behavioral & Developmental Services (717)242-6467(717)242-6471 
Wheeler, Kim SEDA-Council of Governments (570)524-4491(570)524-9190 
Wheeler, Terry Juniata County Historical Society (717)436-5152 
White, John ITB Enterprises, LLC (717)250-7583 
White, Matthew Blue Chip Federal Credit Union (717)248-7701 
White, Robin Juniata County Prevention Board (717)914-6215 
White, Taylor At the Barnyard (717)437-3648 
White, Theresa Fisher's Farm Market (717)437-3648 
White, Theresa At the Barnyard (717)437-3648 
Whitehead, Mike Yoder Chiropractic Center, LLC (717)935-5050 
Whitsel, Jennifer PA CareerLink of Mifflin County (717)248-4942(717)248-8610 
Wicks, Quintin Revival Kitchen (717)667-7932 
Williams, Rick PA Cleanways of Mifflin County (717)242-1869 
Williams, Tom Sheetz, Inc. Store #158, Lewistown (814)946-3611(814)946-4375 
Williams, Tona Mifflin County Sports Hall of Fame (717)437-3459 
Wilson, David 4-Star Jewelers and Rare Coins (717)248-4444(717)248-4040 
Wilson, Kathryn Wilson's Meats and Groceries (717)248-4793 
Wilson, Lisa Dunamis Power & Light LLC (717)582-1238 
Wilson, Nicholas Belleville Mennonite School (717)935-2184(717)935-5641 
Wilson, Robert Dunamis Power & Light LLC (717)582-1238 
Wilson, Steve Wilson's Meats and Groceries (717)248-4793 
Wilson, Jr., Paul Wilson, Paul, Jr. (717)667-2984 
Wilt, Jr., Tim Heritage Home Rentals (717)543-3445 
Winn, Rebecca State Farm Insurance Agency - Amanda Moeller (717)248-3959(717)248-6134 
Winters, Margaret Juniata Valley Employer Advisory Council (717)248-9849 
Wise-Foltz, Natali Zion Hair Salon (717)994-6219 
Withers, Paul Milepost 142 (717)215-9855 
Withers, Trudy Milepost 142 (717)215-9855 
Witzel, Matt Seven Mountains Media, LLC (717)248-6757(717)248-6759 
Worthy, Heather Worthy's Refuse, Inc. (814)542-3226(814)542-3228 
Wowk, Joe Seven Mountains Media, LLC (717)248-6757(717)248-6759 
Wray, Corey Poe Valley Snowmobile Club (717)543-6148 
Wray, Corey P. Wray's Landscaping, Inc. (717)242-3300(717)248-3300 
Wright, Anna Lamar Advertising of Williamsport (570)326-2665(570)323-3220 
Wyland, Olivia & Nathan The Logan House (717)953-9146 
Wyland, Sharon Valley View Retirement Community (717)935-2105(717)935-5109 

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