Alphabetical Contact Listing

Juniata River Valley Chamber of Commerce

 Company Alphabetical Listing:  

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 Contact Alphabetical Listing:  

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Sage, Bryan Bobby Rahal of Lewistown (717)248-0119(717)248-4359 
Salomon, Joel Rockhill Trolley Museum (814)447-9576 
Salvatore, Mark Lewistown Pharmacy (717)248-0041(717)248-1128 
Salvatore, Su Central PA Pink Connection (717)248-1480 
Sangrey, L. Karl L. Karl Sangrey Builder (717)543-5649(717)543-5989 
Sarge, William Sarge Engineering and Surveying (717)436-2588(717)436-9076 
Sarver, Nicole Valley View Retirement Community (717)935-2105(717)935-5109 
Sauter, Tina McDonald's - Levine Enterprises, Inc. (717)240-0854 
Schaaf, Steven Naylor & Associates Financial Services, Inc. (717)248-1577(717)248-5740 
Schekk, Gary Ever-Clean Power Washing (717)348-7026 
Schmucker, Dale Maven Building Supply (717)363-0614(717)247-2199 
Schwier, Kelly Centre Publications, Inc. (800)200-5375(814)364-9999 
Scott, Bette Summit Early Learning, Inc. (570)966-2845(717)248-3529 
Seaman, Barb Juniata Valley Bank (717)436-8211(717)436-7551 
Seaman, Tamar Pennian Bank (717)436-2144(717)436-2345 
Searer, Chris Juniata Valley Bank (717)436-8211(717)436-7551 
Searer, Victoria Juniata Valley YMCA (717)248-5019(717)248-3956 
Sechrist, Pamela PA Cleanways of Mifflin County (717)899-6701 
Secretary, Rotary Club Rotary Club of Lewistown (717)248-4942 
Sedgwick, James Sedgwick Business Solutions (814)496-8576(717)953-9855 
Seeger, George Bobby Rahal of Lewistown (717)248-0119(717)248-4359 
Seigler, Jed Pilgrim Pallet (717)535-8003 
Sellers, Doug The Rental Property Owners Association of Central PA (717)248-4112 
Seltzer, JoAnn CenClear (814)342-5678(814)342-2755 
Shaffer, Michelle Milroy Hose Company #1 (717)667-2433 
Sharp, Preston The Stewardship Group (717)935-5858(888)377-2456 
Shawver, Darla Mae Reish Children of the Ark Daycare (717)242-1850 
Shawver, Susan St. John's Lutheran Church (717)248-8780 
Sheeler, Brandon Buds & Blooms (717)694-9146 
Sheeler, Brandon Old Mill Coffeehouse (717)694-3292 
Sheeler, Brandon The Bison Farm BnB (717)694-3807 
Sheeler, Brandon Richfield Community Center  
Sheeler, Brian The Bison Farm BnB (717)694-3807 
Sheetz, Ellen First National Bank (717)248-4951(717)242-6646 
Sheetz, Joseph S. Sheetz, Inc. Store #158, Lewistown (814)941-5251(814)941-5279 
Sheetz, Travis Sheetz, Inc. Store #158, Lewistown (814)941-5251(814)941-5279 
Shelan, Ron Heritage Home Rentals (209)968-0221 
Sheridan, Wendy IHOP Mifflintown & Onvo Travel Plaza (570)291-4260 
Sherman, Eric MCS Bank (717)248-3000(717)667-7070 
Shilling Jr., James Shilling Jr., James L. (717)437-1021 
Shinskie, Luke Kish Church (215)692-4663 
Shoop, Patrick FAME Emergency Medical Service (717)248-5553(717)248-8777 
Shuey, Jennifer Central Pennsylvania Festival of the Arts (814)237-3682(814)237-0708 
Shumaker, Brian Susquehanna River Guides (717)574-5338 
Shumaker, Wendy Homeland at Home-Hospice (717)221-7890 
Shutes, Kelly J. Kishacoquillas Park (717)248-8151(717)248-0063 
Sieber, Mary Stan's Coffee Company (223)268-0402 
Sieglitz, Brenda Where & When (717)492-2538 
Simpson, LouAnn Locust Grove Retirement Village (717)436-8921(717)436-9165 
Simpson, Maggie Comcast Business (412)747-6825 
Sizelove, Audrey Juniata County Historical Society (717)436-5152 
Slautterback, Samantha Mifflin-Juniata Regional Services Corporation (717)242-0315(717)320-8422 
Smeltz, Rick Smeltz & Aumiller Real Estate, LLC (717)248-2122(717)248-6031 
Smith, Adam Juniata Troutfitters (814)330-6635 
Smith, Ajit Best Western Nittany Inn Milroy (717)766-6353(717)667-9596 
Smith, Chad Axis Professional Surveying, LLC (717)602-7434(717)436-0284 
Smith, Jo Ann Keller Williams Advantage Realty (814)880-6754 
Smith, Lisa Mifflin County Solid Waste Authority (717)242-3301(717)242-3394 
Smith, Nick EADS Group (717)248-0265 
Smith, Richard L. Gravytrain Express, LLC (717)242-8515(717)242-8513 
Smith, Shayne FirstEnergy, Corp. (717)654-8050 
Smith, Tami Hoss's Steak and Sea House (717)242-1099(717)242-2484 
Smith, Tina Juniata Valley Bank (717)436-8211(717)436-7551 
Snodgress, Morgan Encompass Health Rehabilitation Hospital (814)357-3434(866)492-0255 
Snook, Christina Juniata Christian School (717)463-2898(717)884-7876 
Snook, Donna Snowflake's on the Square (717)437-6452(717)247-7983 
Snook, Samantha Krise Transportation (717)248-8125(717)248-8135 
Snook, Stephen S. BMZ Law P.C. (717)242-3400(717)242-8599 
Snyder, Candy Sliced Deli & Bakery (717)248-2840 
Snyder, Jana Turnpaugh Health and Wellness Center (717)795-3180 
Snyder, Sarah Rich Coast Coffee & Tea (800)326-9592(717)220-0713 
Solt, Brittaney Starbucks (717)437-5745 
Sosa, Tracy Fidelity Paper & Supply Corp. (973)599-0222(973)599-0220 
Spade, Carter Spade Made Home Improvements (717)513-6242 
Spade, Jenna Spade Made Home Improvements (717)437-3548 
Spangler, Cindy Poe Valley Snowmobile Club (717)543-6148 
Spangler, Donald Poe Valley Snowmobile Club (717)543-6148 
Specht, John S & S Trash Service (717)242-8777(717)248-0985 
Spickler, Amy Penn Roosevelt Lodge (717)248-9618 
Stachowski, Jeff South Hills School of Business & Technology (814)234-7755(814)234-0926 
Stapleton, Gordon Quality Digital Office Solutions (717)293-1950(717)290-1132 
Steinbach, Rachael PA CareerLink of Mifflin County (717)248-4942(717)248-8610 
Stevens, Jana The Lewistown Sentinel (717)248-6741(717)248-3481 
Stevens, Jeff Seven Mountains Media, LLC (717)248-6757(717)248-6759 
Stewart, Anna Marie Angelo's Hollow Inn Inc. (717)248-9502(717)242-2959 
Stewart, Melissa Juniata County Prevention Board (717)914-6215 
Stimely, Douglas Stimely's Electrical, Inc. (717)248-4987(717)248-7111 
Stine, Carrie Geisinger Hospice (570)713-0471(717)363-8417 
Stolpzfus, Arlin Maven Building Supply (717)247-2180(717)247-2199 
Stoltzfus, Sam Maven Building Supply (717)247-2180(717)247-2199 
Stoner, Toby Stoner Pest Control, LLC (717)436-5645 
Straub, Mitchell In Home Services of Central PA, LLC (717)363-4913 
Strebel, Roberta Nittany Valley Symphony (814)231-8224(814)231-0140 
Stringfellow, Gail Merakey (717)250-4358(717)248-4465 
Stroup, Steve Stroup's Garage, Inc. (717)447-0267(717)953-9587 
Stuck, Bob & Wendy Basically Blinds, LLC (717)543-6388(717)543-6388 
Stumbris, Steve Bucknell University SBDC (570)577-1249 
Stutzman, Ken & Mary Cross Country Coach, LLC. (717)248-9454(717)248-9878 
Sunday, Jennifer Perfection Commercial Cleaning, LLC (717)363-4621 
Sunderland, Mark Mifflin County Commissioners Office (717)248-6733(717)248-3695 
Swanger, Jonathan Calvary Church (717)406-8112 
Swanger, Zane N. EXEPLORE, LLC (717)363-8080 
Swarey, David Countryside Harness & Outdoors, LLC.  
Swarey, Shem Country Boy Tree Service (223)208-1806 
Swartz, Kathy Kathy's Korner (717)250-3688 
Swigart, Deb Geisinger Home Health (717)248-3336(717)248-0488 
Swigart, Lindsey Kish Bank (800)981-5474(717)667-9502 
Swineford, Emily Marcal Paper (717)247-2787(717)247-3442 

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